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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18142 news.answers:3073
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- From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
- Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 6 of 15
- Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-6_717034101@questrel.com>
- Followup-To: rec.puzzles
- Summary: This posting contains a list of
- Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
- It should be read by anyone who wishes to
- post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
- Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
- Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
- Organization: Questrel, Inc.
- References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:09:01 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
- Lines: 2063
- Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part06
- Last-modified: 1992/09/20
- Version: 3
- ==> english/ladder.s <==
- Using every unabridged dictionary available, the best yet found are:
- hit ait act ace
- pig peg seg sey sty
- four foud fond find fine five
- play blay bray bras baas bams gams game
- green grees greys grays grass
- wheat theat treat tread bread
- order older elder eider cider cides codes coles colls coals chals chaos
- order ormer armer ammer amper imper impel
- sixth sixty silty silly sally sably sabby nabby nubby hubby
- speedy speeds steeds steers sheers shyers sayers payers papers papery popery
- popely pomely comely comedy
- griming priming prising poising toising toiling coiling colling collins collies
- dollies doilies dailies bailies bailees bailers failers fablers gablers gabbers
- gibbers gibbets gobbets goblets
- chasing ceasing cessing messing massing masting marting martins martens martels
- cartels carpels carpers campers cambers combers cobbers combers robbers
- vainest fainest fairest sairest saidest saddest maddest middest mildest wildest
- wiliest winiest waniest caniest cantest contest confest confess confers conners
- canners fanners fawners pawners pawnees pawnces paunces jaunces jaunced jaunted
- saunted stunted stented stenned steined stained spained splined splines salines
- savines savings pavings parings earings enrings endings ondings ondines undines
- unlines unlives unwives unwires unwares unbares unbared unpared unpaged uncaged
- incaged incased incised incises incites indites indices indicts inducts indults
- insults insulas insulae infulae
- This is not another travelling salesman - it is merely finding the diameter of
- connected components of that graph. The simple algorithm for this is to do
- one depth first search from each word, resulting in an O(n*m) worst case
- algorithm (where n is the number of words, and m is the number of arcs). In
- practice, it is actually somewhat better, since the graph breaks down into
- many connected components. However, the diameters (and solutions) depend on
- what dictionary is used. Here are the results from various dictionaries:
- From /usr/dict/words (restricted to words all lower case alphabetical) (19,694
- words): sixth - hubby (46 steps)
- From the official scrabble players dictionary (94,276 words): effaces -
- cabaret (57 steps)
- From the british official scrabble words (134,051 words): vainest - infulae
- (73 steps)
- From webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary (abridged) (78, 167 words):
- griming - goblets (56 steps)
- From all of the above, merged (180,676 words): vainest - injects (58 steps)
- To see the effect the dictionary has on paths, here are the lengths of the
- shortest paths these pairs, and for the ones mentioned in previous posts, for
- each dictionary (a - means that there is no path using only words from that
- dictionary):
- hit - ace 5 3 3 5 3
- pig - sty - 5 4 5 4
- four - five 6 6 5 7 5
- play - game 8 7 7 8 7
- green - grass 13 4 4 7 4
- wheat - bread 6 6 6 6 6
- sixth - hubby 46 9 9 - 9
- effaces - cabaret - 57 - - 33
- vainest - infulae - - 73 - 52
- griming - goblets - 22 19 56 15
- vainest - injects - - 72 - 58
- ==> english/less.ness.p <==
- Find a word that forms two other words, unrelated in meaning, when "less"
- and "ness" are added.
- ==> english/less.ness.s <==
- base -> baseless, baseness
- light -> lightless, lightness
- sound -> soundless, soundness
- wit -> witless, witness
- ==> english/letter.rebus.p <==
- Define the letters of the alphabet using self-referential common phrases (e.g.,
- "first of all" defines "a").
- ==> english/letter.rebus.s <==
- A first of all, midday
- B fifth of bourbon, starting block
- C fifth of scotch
- D end of the world, back of my hand
- E end of the line, beginning of the end
- F starting friction, front
- G middle of the night, starting gate
- H end of the earth, top of the heap, middle of nowhere
- I next of kin
- J center of project
- K bottom of the deck, two of a kind
- L bottom of the barrel, starting line
- M top of my head
- N center of attention, final countdown, end run
- O second in command
- P bottom of the heap, the first of painters, starting point
- Q at the front of the queue, top quality
- R middle of the road, center of inertia
- S _Last of the Mohicans_, start of something big
- T top o' the morning, one's wit's end, bottom of my heart, last, central
- U second guess
- V center of gravity
- W end of the rainbow, top of the world
- X wax finish, climax
- Y top of your head, center of the cyclone, early years, final extremity
- Z led zeppelin
- ==> english/lipograms.p <==
- What books have been written without specific letters, vowels, etc.?
- ==> english/lipograms.s <==
- Such a book is called a lipogram.
- A novel-length example in English (omitting e) exists, titled _Gadsby_.
- Georges Perec wrote a French novel titled _La Disparition_ which does
- not contain the letter 'e', except in a few bits of text that the
- publisher had to include in or on the book somewhere -- such as the
- author's name :-). But these were all printed in red, making them
- somehow ``not count''.
- Perec also wrote another novel in which `e' was the only vowel.
- In _La Disparition_, unlike _Gadsby_, the lipogrammatic
- technique is reflected in the story. Objects disappear or become
- invisible. We know, however, more or less why the characters can't
- find things like eggs or even remember their names -- because the
- words for them can't be used.
- Amazingly, it's been ``translated'' into English (by Harry Mathews, I
- think).
- Another work which manages to [almost] adhere to restrictive
- alphabetic rules while also remaining readable as well as providing
- amusement and literary satisfaction (though you have to like
- disjointed fiction) is _Alphabetical Africa_ by Walter Abish. The
- rules (which of course he doesn't explain, you can't help noticing
- most of them) have to do with initial letters of words. There are 52
- chapters. In the first, all words begin with `a'; in the second, all
- words begin with either `a' or `b'; etc, until all words are allowed
- in chapter 26. Then in the second half, the letters are taken away
- one by one. It's remarkable when, for instance, you finally get `the'
- and realize how much or little you missed it; earlier, when `I' comes
- in, you feel something like the difference between third- and
- first-person narration. As one of the blurbs more or less says (I
- don't have it here to quote), reading this is like slowly taking a
- deep breath and letting it out again.
- ----
- Mitch Marks mitchell@cs.uchicago.edu
- ==> english/multi.lingual.p <==
- What words in multiple languages are related in interesting ways?
- ==> english/multi.lingual.s <==
- Synonymous reversals:
- Dutch: nier (kidney), French: rein
- French: etats, English: state
- ==> english/near.palindrome.p <==
- What are some long near palindromes, i.e., words that except for one
- letter would be palindromes?
- ==> english/near.palindrome.s <==
- Here are the longest near palindromes in Webster's Ninth Collegiate:
- catalatic footstool red pepper
- detonated locofocos red spider
- dew-clawed nabataean retreater
- eisegesis possessor stargrass
- foolproof ratemeter webmember
- ==> english/palindromes.p <==
- What are some long palindromes?
- ==> english/palindromes.s <==
- The first words spoken were a palindrome:
- Madam, I'm Adam.
- or perhaps:
- Madam in Eden, I'm Adam.
- The response, of course, must have been:
- Eve
- Napolean's lament:
- Able was I ere I saw Elba.
- Has been improved with:
- Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba, Kramer, nu?
- A fish is a:
- laminar animal
- Other palindromes in ascending length (drum roll please):
- Dennis sinned.
- Sir, I'm Iris.
- Sup not on pus.
- Name no one man.
- Naomi, did I moan?
- Enid and Edna dine.
- Revenge Meg? Never!
- No lemons, no melon.
- A Toyota's a Toyota.
- Ma is a nun, as I am.
- He harasses Sarah, eh?
- Niagara, O roar again!
- He lived as a devil, eh?
- Nurse, I spy gupsies, run!
- Sit on a potato pan, Otis!
- Slap a ham on Omaha, pals!
- A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.
- Rats live on no evil star.
- Ten animals I slam in a net.
- Go deliver a dare, vile dog.
- Was it a car or a cat I saw?
- Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
- Al lets Della call Ed Stella.
- Draw, O Caeser, erase a coward.
- Did Eve salt an atlas? Eve did.
- No pinot noir on Orion to nip on.
- Naomi, sex at noon taxes! I moan.
- Evil I did dwell; lewd did I live.
- Yo, bad anaconda had no Canada boy .
- Egad! A base tone denotes a bad age.
- Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
- Red dude kill lion. No ill-liked udder.
- I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.
- To Peru, named llama mall 'De Manure Pot'.
- Straw? No, too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts.
- Now, Ned, I am a maiden nun; Ned, I am a maiden won.
- Here we no got conical ill lilac in octogon ewer, eh?
- Salamander a ton now. Raw war won not, a Red Nam, alas.
- Fool! A dog lives sad a boxer, Rex. O bad ass evil god aloof!
- 'Tenor Octopus Night' netted a cadet tenth ginsu pot, coronet.
- Won total, I am a pro. Bali radar I labor. Pa, mail a tot now!
- Yo, boy! Trap gnus, nude. 'Kangaroo Rag' naked unsung party, O boy!
- Did I strap red nude, red rump, also slap murdered underparts? I did!
- Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.
- So regards Rat's Lib: regrets no more hero monster gerbil stars' drag Eros.
- Degas, are we not drawn onward, we freer few, drawn onward to new eras aged?
- Garret, I ogle. Enemy democrats party; trap star comedy men, eel goiter rag.
- Sagas emit taxes, rat snot, or pastrami. I'm Arts, a proton star - sex at
- times a gas.
- Dr. Ana, Cataracts. Uranium enema smarts if fist rams, Amen! Emu in a
- rust car at a canard.
- T. Eliot, top bard, notes putrid tang emanating, is sad; I'd assign it a
- name: gnat dirt upset on drab pot toilet.
- Those wonderful proper names:
- Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo,
- Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena,
- Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, Mario, Jan,
- Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne,
- Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora,
- Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned.
- A poem:
- Mood's mode!
- Pallas, I won!
- (Diaper pane, sold entire.)
- Melt till ever sere, hide it.
- Drown a more vile note;
- (Tar of rennet.)
- Ah, trowel, baton, eras ago.
- The reward? A "nisi." Two nag.
- Otary tastes putrid, yam was green.
- Odes up and on; stare we.
- Rats nod. Nap used one-erg saw.
- (May dirt upset satyr?)
- A toga now; 'tis in a drawer, eh?
- Togas are notable.
- (Worth a tenner for Ate`.)
- Tone liver. O Man, word-tied I.
- Here's revel!
- Little merit, Ned? Lose, Nap?
- Repaid now is all apedom's doom.
- -- Hubert Phillips:
- Headmaster's Palindromic List on his Memo Pad:
- Test on Erasmus Dr of Law
- Deliver soap Stop dynamo (OTC)
- Royal: phone no.? Tel: Law re Kate Race
- Ref. Football. Caps on for prep
- Is sofa sitable on? Pots- no tops
- XI--Staff over Knit up ties ('U')
- Sub-edit Nurse's order Ned (re paper)
- Canning is on test (snub slip-up) Eve's simple hot dish (crib)
- Birch (Sid) to help Miss Eve Pupil's buns
- Reaper den T-set: no sign in a/c
- Use it Red roses
- Put inkspot on stopper Run Tide Bus?
- Prof.--no space Rev off at six
- Caretaker (wall, etc.) Noel Bat is a fossil
- Too mand d*** pots Lab to offer one 'Noh' play--
- Wal for duo? (I'd name Dr. O) or 'Pals Reviled'?
- See few owe fees (or demand IOU?) Sums are not set.
- -- Joyce Johnson
- (_New_Statesman_ competition in 1967. 126 words, 467 letters)
- Some word (not letter) palindromes:
- So patient a doctor to doctor a patient so.
- Girl, bathing on Bikini, eyeing boy, finds boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl.
- In German:
- Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie.
- In Serbo-Croat:
- Ana voli Milovana.
- Ana nabra par banana.
- Imena Amen nema, a me mi.
- U pero soli i los o repu.
- Ako jad moli silom daj oka.
- Odano mati pita: a ti pitam, o nado?
- Evo sam iza padam mada pazim asove.
- v v v v
- A krt u razu mi laze no one zalim u zaru trka.
- Palindromes in other languages that are palindromes in English:
- Hebrew: aba or abba, English: dad
- German: tat, English: deed
- The timeless classic:
- A man, a plan, a canal; Panama?
- Has been improved by:
- A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda!
- -- anonymous
- A man, a plan, a cat, a canal; Panama?
- -- Jim Saxe, plan file @ CMU, 9 October 1983
- A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal--Panama!
- -- Guy Jacobson, plan file @ CMU late 1983
- A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar, a hoop, a
- pint, a catalpa, a gas, an oil, a bird, a yell, a vat, a caw, a pax, a wag,
- a tax, a nay, a ram, a cap, a yam, a gay, a tsar, a wall, a car, a luger, a
- ward, a bin, a woman, a vassal, a wolf, a tuna, a nit, a pall, a fret, a
- watt, a bay, a daub, a tan, a cab, a datum, a gall, a hat, a fag, a zap, a
- say, a jaw, a lay, a wet, a gallop, a tug, a trot, a trap, a tram, a torr, a
- caper, a top, a tonk, a toll, a ball, a fair, a sax, a minim, a tenor, a
- bass, a passer, a capital, a rut, an amen, a ted, a cabal, a tang, a sun, an
- ass, a maw, a sag, a jam, a dam, a sub, a salt, an axon, a sail, an ad, a
- wadi, a radian, a room, a rood, a rip, a tad, a pariah, a revel, a reel, a
- reed, a pool, a plug, a pin, a peek, a parabola, a dog, a pat, a cud, a nu,
- a fan, a pal, a rum, a nod, an eta, a lag, an eel, a batik, a mug, a mot, a
- nap, a maxim, a mood, a leek, a grub, a gob, a gel, a drab, a citadel, a
- total, a cedar, a tap, a gag, a rat, a manor, a bar, a gal, a cola, a pap, a
- yaw, a tab, a raj, a gab, a nag, a pagan, a bag, a jar, a bat, a way, a
- papa, a local, a gar, a baron, a mat, a rag, a gap, a tar, a decal, a tot, a
- led, a tic, a bard, a leg, a bog, a burg, a keel, a doom, a mix, a map, an
- atom, a gum, a kit, a baleen, a gala, a ten, a don, a mural, a pan, a faun,
- a ducat, a pagoda, a lob, a rap, a keep, a nip, a gulp, a loop, a deer, a
- leer, a lever, a hair, a pad, a tapir, a door, a moor, an aid, a raid, a
- wad, an alias, an ox, an atlas, a bus, a madam, a jag, a saw, a mass, an
- anus, a gnat, a lab, a cadet, an em, a natural, a tip, a caress, a pass, a
- baronet, a minimax, a sari, a fall, a ballot, a knot, a pot, a rep, a
- carrot, a mart, a part, a tort, a gut, a poll, a gateway, a law, a jay, a
- sap, a zag, a fat, a hall, a gamut, a dab, a can, a tabu, a day, a batt, a
- waterfall, a patina, a nut, a flow, a lass, a van, a mow, a nib, a draw, a
- regular, a call, a war, a stay, a gam, a yap, a cam, a ray, an ax, a tag, a
- wax, a paw, a cat, a valley, a drib, a lion, a saga, a plat, a catnip, a
- pooh, a rail, a calamus, a dairyman, a bater, a canal--Panama.
- --Dan Hoey, 'discovered' in 1984.
- Dan goes on to say "...a little work on the search algorithm could make
- it several times as long."
- The entire book _Satire: Veritas_ is a palindrome, it starts
- "Sir, I stra..." and ends "... Art, sir, is Satire: Veritas."
- References:
- Palindromes and Anagrams
- Howard W. Bergerson
- Dover Publications
- New York, 1973
- ISBN 0-486-20664-5.
- The Oxford Guide to Word Games, chapter 11, titled "Palindromes"
- Tony Augarde
- ==> english/pangram.p <==
- A "pangram" is a sentence containing all 26 letters.
- What is the shortest pangram (measured by number of letters or words)?
- What is the shortest word list using all 26 letters in alphabetical order?
- In reverse alphabetical order?
- ==> english/pangram.s <==
- The single-letter words that have meanings unrelated to their letter shapes
- or sounds, position in the alphabet, etc. are:
- a - indefinite article; on; in; at; to; he; him; she; her; they; them; it; I;
- have; of; all
- c - 100; cocaine; programming language
- d - 500
- e - base of natural logs; eccentricity; enlarging
- g - acceleration of gravity; general ability; $1000; general audience
- i - one; unit vector in x direction; personal pronoun; in; aye
- j - one; unit vector in y direction
- k - 1000; 1024; strikeout; unit vector in z direction
- l - 50; ell; elevated railroad
- m - 1000; em; pica; an antigen of human blood
- n - an indefinite number; en; an antigen of human blood
- o - oh
- q - quality of oscillatory circuit
- R - one of the three Rs; restricted audience
- t - t-shirt
- u - upper class
- v - five
- w - w particle
- x - unknown quantity; atmospherics; adults only
- y - unknown quantity; YMCA
- z - unknown quantity; buzzing sound; z particle
- It is therefore advisable to exclude single-letter words, with the
- possible exception of 'a'.
- As always, word acceptability varies with the dictionaries used. We use these:
- 9C - Merriam-Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1986
- NI3 - Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1961
- NI2 - Merriam-Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, 1935
- OED - Oxford English Dictionary with Supplements, 1933 - 85
- '+' indicates obsolete, dialectical, slang, or otherwise substandard word.
- Some exceptional pangrams:
- Using only words in 9C:
- Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives. (5 words, 36 letters)
- Quick brown fox, jump over the lazy dogs. (8 words, 32 letters)
- Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (8 words, 32 letters)
- Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (7 words, 31 letters)
- The five boxing wizards jump quickly. (6 words, 31 letters)
- How quickly daft jumping zebras vex. (6 words, 30 letters)
- Quartz glyph job vex'd cwm finks. (6 words?, 26 letters)
- Cwm, fjord-bank glyphs vext quiz. (6 words, 26 letters, Dmitri Borgmann)
- Using words in 9C and NI3:
- Veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck. (6 words, 26 letters, Michael Jones)
- Using words in 9C, NI3 and NI3+:
- Squdgy fez, blank jimp crwth vox. (6 words, 26 letters, Claude Shannon)
- Using words in 9C, NI3, NI2 and NI2+:
- Phlegms fyrd wuz qvint jackbox. (5 words, 26 letters, Dmitri Borgmann)
- Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists:
- jackbox viewfinder phlegmy quartz (4 words, 31 letters, Mary Hazard)
- benzoxycamphors quick-flowing juventude (3 words, 36 letters, Darryl Francis)
- Some exceptional nearly panalphabetic isogrammatic word lists:
- blacksmith gunpowdery (2 words, 20 letters)
- humpbacks frowzy tingled (3 words, 22 letters)
- Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists with letters in alphabetical order:
- Using only words in 9C:
- a BCD ef ghi jack limn op querist ulva wax oyez (11 words, 37 letters)
- ABC defog hijack limn op querist ulva wax oyez (9 words, 38 letters)
- Using words in 9C and NI3:
- a BCD ef ghi jak limn op qres to uva wax oyez (12 words, 34 letters)
- ABC defy ghi jak limn op qres to uva wax oyez (11 words, 35 letters)
- ABC defy ghi jak limn opaquers turves wax oyez (9 words, 38 letters)
- scabicide afghani jokul manrope querist purview oxygenize (7 words, 51 letters)
- Using words in 9C, NI3 and NI3+:
- a BCD ef ghi jak limn op QRS to uva wax yez (12 words, 32 letters)
- ABC defy ghi jak limn op QRS to uva wax yez (11 words, 33 letters)
- ab cad ef ghi jak limn op qre stun vow ox yez (12 words, 34 letters)
- ABC defy ghi jak limn op querist uva wax yez (10 words, 35 letters)
- Using words in 9C, NI3, NI3+, NI2 and NI2+:
- ABC def ghi jak limn op qre struv wax yez (10 words, 32 letters)
- ABC def ghi jak limn opaquer struv wax yez (9 words, 34 letters)
- Using words in 9C, NI3, NI3+, NI2, NI2+ and the OED:
- ABC defog hij klam nop QRS tu vow XYZ (9 words, 29 letters, Jeff Grant)
- ABC def ghi jak limn op qres tu vow XYZ (10 words, 30 letters)
- ABC defog hij klam nop querist uvrow XYZ (8 words, 33 letters, Jeff Grant)
- ABC defyghe bij sklim nop querist uvrow XYZ (8 words, 36 letters)
- ABC defog hijack limnophil querist uvrow XYZ (7 words, 38 letters, Jeff Grant)
- Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists with letters in reverse alpha order:
- Using words from 9C:
- lazy ox ow vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed cab a (13 words, 38 letters)
- lazy ox wave uts reequip on milk jihad gifted cabal (10 words, 42 letters)
- Using words from 9C and NI3:
- lazy ox ow vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed caba (12 words, 38 letters)
- lazy ox wave uts roque pon milk jihad gifted caba (10 words, 40 letters)
- Using words from 9C, NI3 and NI2:
- zo yex wu vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed caba (12 words, 37 letters)
- zo yex wave uts roque pon milk jihad gifted caba (10 words, 39 letters)
- All words are main entries in 9C except the following:
- 9C: ghi (at 'ghee')
- NI3: caba, fyrd, jak, opaquers, pon, qre(s), squdgy, uva
- NI3+: jimp, QRS (at 'QRS complex'), sklim, vox (at 'vox populi'), yez
- NI2: benzoxycamphors, jackbox, limnophil, quick-flowing, yex, zo
- NI2+: def, juventude, klam, quar, qvint, struv, tu, wuz
- OED: defyghe (at 'defy'), bij (at 'buy'), hij, nop, uvrow (at 'yuffrouw'),
- XYZ (at 'X')
- The first time I saw this pangram was in Gyles Brandeth's _The Joy of Lex_.
- It appeared there as:
- Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. (7 words, 28 letters, proper noun.)
- I always wondered why they didn't try modifying it as:
- Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex buds. (7 words, 29 letters, no proper noun.)
- However, why fast dances would irritate incipient flowers is beyond me,
- so I tried again:
- Waltz, dumb nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 29 letters, no proper noun,
- makes more sense.)
- However, sounds kind of sexist, and we can maybe chop off a letter and
- eliminate the sexism, although suffering some loss of sense:
- Waltz, bud nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun,
- makes less sense.)
- There are river nymphs and tree nymphs and mountain nymphs, so there can
- be nymphs of the aforementioned incipent flowers, right? Sense is a matter
- of opinion, so you can move the bud around or turn it into another imperative
- verb rather than a noun-as-adjective:
- Waltz, nymph, bud, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun,
- sense is dubious.)
- [We've all heard of budding youth, right?]
- Waltz, nymph, for quick bud jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun,
- sense is dubious.)
- [Yeah, we've all learned to dance a merry jig that looks like one of those
- infamous incipient flowers.]
- Dub waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun,
- came up with this on the spot and
- actually it looks pretty good!)
- [The idea being that a nymph, being in control of the soundtrack for a TV
- sitcom, has to change the music to which a grandmother is listening, from
- something from Ireland to something from Strauss.]
- -- Stephen Joseph Smith <sjsmith@cs.umd.edu>
- It is fairly straightforward, if time-consuming, to search for minimal
- pangrams given a suitable lexicon, and the enclosed program does this.
- The run time is of the order of 20 MIPS-days if fed `Official Scrabble
- Words', a document nominally listing all sufficiently short words
- playable in tournament Scrabble in Britain.
- I also enclose a lexicon which will reproduce the OSW results much more
- quickly.
- The results are dominated by onomatopoeic interjections (`pst', `sh',
- etc.), and words borrowed from Welsh (`cwm', `crwth') and Arabic (`qat',
- `suq'). Other lexicons will contain a very different leavening of such
- words, and yield a very different set of pangrams.
- Readers are invited to form sentences (or, less challenging, newspaper
- headlines) from these pangrams. Few are amenable to this sort of thing.
- -- Steve Thomas
- -----cut-----here-----
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- extern void *malloc ();
- extern void *realloc ();
- long getword ();
- #define MAXWORD 26
- int list[MAXWORD];
- int lp;
- struct list {
- struct list *next;
- char *word;
- };
- struct word {
- long mask;
- struct list *list;
- } *w;
- int wp;
- int wsize;
- char wordbuf[BUFSIZ];
- char *letters = "qxjzvwfkbyhpmgcdultnoriase";
- int cmp (ap, bp)
- struct word *ap, *bp;
- {
- char *p;
- long a = ap->mask, b = bp->mask;
- for (p = letters; *p; p++)
- {
- long m = 1L << (*p - 'a');
- if ((a & m) != (b & m))
- if ((a & m) != 0)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void *
- newmem (p, size)
- void *p;
- int size;
- {
- if (p)
- p = realloc (p, size);
- else
- p = malloc (size);
- if (p == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- return p;
- }
- char *
- dupstr (s)
- char *s;
- {
- char *p = newmem ((void *)NULL, strlen (s) + 1);
- strcpy (p, s);
- return p;
- }
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- long m;
- int i, j;
- while ((m = getword (stdin)) != 0)
- {
- if (wp >= wsize)
- {
- wsize += 1000;
- w = newmem (w, wsize * sizeof (struct word));
- }
- w[wp].mask = m;
- w[wp].list = newmem ((void *)NULL, sizeof (struct list));
- w[wp].list->word = dupstr (wordbuf);
- w[wp].list->next = (struct list *)NULL;
- wp++;
- }
- qsort (w, wp, sizeof (struct word), cmp);
- for (i = 1, j = 1; j < wp; j++)
- {
- if (w[j].mask == w[i - 1].mask) {
- w[j].list->next = w[i - 1].list;
- w[i - 1].list = w[j].list;
- } else
- w[i++] = w[j];
- }
- wp = i;
- pangram (0L, 0, letters);
- exit (0);
- }
- pangram (sofar, min, lets)
- long sofar;
- int min;
- char *lets;
- {
- register int i;
- register long must;
- if (sofar == 0x3ffffff) {
- print ();
- return;
- }
- for (; *lets; lets++)
- if ((sofar & (1 << (*lets - 'a'))) == 0)
- break;
- must = 1 << (*lets - 'a');
- for (i = min; i < wp; i++)
- {
- if (w[i].mask & sofar)
- continue;
- if ((w[i].mask & must) == 0)
- continue;
- list[lp++] = i;
- pangram (w[i].mask | sofar, i + 1, lets);
- --lp;
- }
- }
- long
- getword (fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- long mask, m;
- char *p;
- char c;
- while (fgets (wordbuf, sizeof (wordbuf), fp) != NULL) {
- p = wordbuf;
- mask = 0L;
- while ((c = *p++) != '\0') {
- if (!islower (c))
- break;
- m = 1L << (c - 'a');
- if ((mask & m) != 0)
- break;
- mask |= m;
- }
- if (c == '\n')
- p[-1] = c = '\0';
- if (c == '\0' && mask)
- return mask;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- print ()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < lp; i++)
- {
- struct word *p = &w[list[i]];
- struct list *l;
- if (p->list->next == NULL)
- printf ("%s", p->list->word);
- else {
- printf ("(");
- for (l = p->list; l; l = l->next) {
- printf ("%s", l->word);
- if (l->next)
- printf (" ");
- }
- printf (")");
- }
- if (i != lp - 1)
- printf (" ");
- }
- printf ("\n");
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- -----and-----here-----
- ankh
- bad
- bag
- bald
- balk
- balks
- band
- bandh
- bang
- bank
- bap
- bard
- barf
- bark
- bed
- beds
- beg
- bend
- benj
- berk
- berks
- bez
- bhang
- bid
- big
- bight
- bilk
- bink
- bird
- birds
- birk
- bisk
- biz
- blad
- blag
- bland
- blank
- bled
- blend
- blight
- blimp
- blin
- blind
- blink
- blintz
- blip
- blitz
- block
- blond
- blunk
- blunks
- bod
- bods
- bog
- bok
- boks
- bold
- bond
- bong
- bonk
- bonks
- bop
- bord
- bords
- bosk
- box
- brad
- brank
- bred
- brink
- brinks
- brod
- brods
- brog
- brogh
- broghs
- bud
- bug
- bugs
- bulk
- bulks
- bump
- bumps
- bund
- bunds
- bung
- bungs
- bunk
- bunks
- burd
- burds
- burg
- burgh
- burghs
- burk
- burks
- burp
- busk
- by
- ch
- crwth
- cwm
- cwms
- dab
- dag
- dak
- damp
- dap
- deb
- debs
- debt
- deft
- delf
- delfs
- delft
- delph
- delphs
- depth
- derv
- dervs
- dhak
- dib
- dig
- dight
- dink
- dinks
- dirk
- disk
- div
- divs
- dob
- dobs
- dog
- dop
- dorp
- dowf
- drab
- draft
- drib
- dribs
- drip
- drop
- drub
- drubs
- drunk
- drunks
- dub
- dug
- dugs
- dung
- dunk
- dunks
- dup
- dusk
- dwarf
- dzo
- dzos
- fad
- fag
- falx
- fank
- fard
- fax
- fed
- fend
- fends
- fenks
- fez
- fib
- fid
- fig
- fight
- fink
- firk
- fisk
- fix
- fiz
- fjord
- fjords
- flab
- flag
- flak
- flank
- flap
- flax
- fled
- fleg
- flex
- flight
- flimp
- flip
- flisk
- flix
- flog
- flogs
- flong
- flongs
- flop
- flops
- flub
- flump
- flumps
- flung
- flunk
- flux
- fob
- fobs
- fog
- fogs
- fold
- folds
- folk
- folks
- fond
- fonds
- fop
- fops
- ford
- fords
- fork
- forks
- fox
- frab
- frank
- frap
- fremd
- fright
- friz
- frog
- frond
- frump
- frumps
- fub
- fud
- fug
- fugs
- fund
- funds
- funk
- funks
- fy
- fyrd
- fyrds
- gab
- gad
- gamb
- gamp
- gap
- gawk
- gawp
- ged
- geld
- gib
- gid
- gif
- gild
- gink
- gip
- gju
- gjus
- gled
- glib
- glid
- glift
- glitz
- glob
- globs
- glyph
- glyphs
- gob
- god
- gold
- golf
- golfs
- golp
- golps
- gonk
- gov
- govs
- gowd
- gowf
- gowfs
- gowk
- gowks
- graft
- graph
- grub
- grypt
- gub
- gubs
- gulf
- gulfs
- gulp
- gulph
- gulphs
- gunk
- gup
- gym
- gymp
- gyp
- gyps
- hadj
- hank
- hyp
- hyps
- jab
- jag
- jak
- jamb
- jap
- jark
- jerk
- jerks
- jib
- jibs
- jig
- jimp
- jink
- jinks
- jinx
- jird
- jirds
- jiz
- job
- jobs
- jog
- jogs
- jud
- juds
- jug
- jugs
- junk
- junks
- jynx
- kang
- kant
- kaw
- keb
- kebs
- ked
- kef
- kefs
- keg
- kelp
- kemb
- kemp
- kep
- kerb
- kerbs
- kerf
- kerfs
- kex
- khan
- khud
- khuds
- kid
- kids
- kif
- kifs
- kight
- kild
- kiln
- kilp
- kind
- kinds
- king
- kip
- klepht
- knag
- knight
- knob
- knobs
- knub
- knubs
- kob
- kobs
- kond
- kop
- kops
- kraft
- krantz
- kranz
- kvetch
- ky
- kynd
- kynds
- lav
- lev
- lez
- link
- luz
- lynx
- mawk
- nabk
- nth
- pad
- park
- pawk
- pax
- ped
- peg
- pegh
- peghs
- pelf
- pelfs
- penk
- perk
- perv
- pervs
- phang
- phiz
- phlox
- pig
- pight
- pix
- pleb
- plebs
- pled
- plight
- plink
- plod
- plongd
- plonk
- pluck
- plug
- plumb
- plumbs
- plunk
- ply
- pod
- polk
- polks
- pong
- pork
- pox
- poz
- prex
- prod
- prof
- prog
- pst
- pub
- pud
- pug
- pugh
- pulk
- pulks
- punk
- pyx
- qat
- qats
- qibla
- qiblas
- quark
- quiz
- sh
- skelf
- skid
- skrump
- skug
- sphinx
- spiv
- squawk
- st
- sunk
- suq
- swiz
- sylph
- tank
- thilk
- tyg
- vamp
- van
- vang
- vant
- veg
- veld
- velds
- veldt
- vend
- vends
- verb
- verbs
- vet
- vex
- vibs
- vild
- vint
- vly
- vox
- vug
- vugs
- vuln
- waltz
- wank
- welkt
- whack
- zag
- zap
- zarf
- zax
- zed
- zek
- zeks
- zel
- zig
- zigs
- zimb
- zimbs
- zing
- zings
- zip
- zips
- zit
- zurf
- zurfs
- ==> english/phonetic.letters.p <==
- What does "FUNEX" mean?
- ==> english/phonetic.letters.s <==
- FUNEX? (Have you any eggs?)
- SVFX. (Yes, we have eggs.)
- FUNEM? (Have you any ham?)
- SVFM. (Yes, we have ham.)
- FUMNX? (Have you ham and eggs?)
- S,S:VFM,VFX,VFMNX! (Yes, yes: we have ham, we have eggs, we have ham and eggs!)
- CD ED BD DUCKS? (See the itty bitty ducks?)
- MR NOT DUCKS! (Them are not ducks!)
- OSAR, CDEDBD WINGS? (Oh yes they are, see the itty bitty wings?)
- LILB MR DUCKS! (Well I'll be, them are ducks!)
- In Spanish:
- SOCKS. (Eso si que es.)
- ==> english/piglatin.p <==
- What words in pig latin also are words?
- ==> english/piglatin.s <==
- cess -> essay
- coke -> okay
- lawn -> onlay
- lout -> outlay
- lover -> overlay
- plover -> overplay
- plunder -> underplay
- sass -> assay
- stout -> outstay
- trash -> ashtray
- wear -> airway
- wonder -> underway
- ==> english/pleonasm.p <==
- What are some redundant terms that occur frequently (like "ABM missile")?
- ==> english/pleonasm.s <==
- 11.5% APR
- ABM missile
- ABS system
- AC current
- ACT tests
- AMOCO Oil Co.
- APL programming language
- ATM macine
- BASIC Code
- BBS System
- CAD design
- CNN news network
- DC current
- DMZ zone
- DOS operating system
- GMT time
- Geirangerfjorden (Fjord Fjord Fjord)
- HIV virus
- ISBN number
- ISDN network
- LCD display
- LED diode
- La Brea Tar Pits
- Los Altos Hills (The Hills Hills)
- MIDI Interface
- Mount Fujiyama (Mount Mountain)
- NATO organization
- NFS File System
- PCV valve
- PIN number
- RAM (or ROM) memory
- Ruidoso River (Noisy River River)
- SALT talks
- SAT test
- SCSI Interface
- SEATO organization
- VIN number
- floccinoccinihlipilification (from 4 latin words meaning "nothing")
- hoi polloi (a genuine bilingual redundancy)
- hot water heater
- ==> english/plurals/collision.p <==
- Two words, spelled and pronounced differently, have plurals spelled
- the same but pronounced differently.
- ==> english/plurals/collision.s <==
- axe and axis -> axes
- base and basis -> bases
- ellipse and ellipsis -> ellipses
- ==> english/plurals/doubtful.number.p <==
- A little word of doubtful number,
- a foe to rest and peaceful slumber.
- If you add an "s" to this,
- great is the metamorphosis.
- Plural is plural now no more,
- and sweet what bitter was before.
- What am I?
- ==> english/plurals/doubtful.number.s <==
- cares -> caress
- ==> english/plurals/drop.s.p <==
- What plural is formed by DROPPING the terminal "s" in a word?
- ==> english/plurals/drop.s.s <==
- necropolis -> necropoli
- ==> english/plurals/endings.p <==
- List a plural ending with each letter of the alphabet.
- ==> english/plurals/endings.s <==
- Legend
- 0 = plural formed (basically) by adding letter
- 1 = plural spelled differently from singular
- 2 = ditto, plural contains punctuation
- 3 = plural spelled the same as singular
- All entries are from Merriam-Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary,
- except those marked "(NI3)", which are from the Third International.
- Entries in brackets are probable dictionary artifacts.
- S 0 A AS
- V 3 TIV TIV (NI3)
- ==> english/plurals/french.p <==
- What English word, when spelled backwards, is its French plural?
- ==> english/plurals/french.s <==
- state/etats
- ==> english/plurals/man.p <==
- Words ending with "man" make their plurals by adding "s".
- ==> english/plurals/man.s <==
- caiman
- doberman
- German
- human
- leman
- ottoman
- pitman
- Pullman
- Roman
- shaman
- talisman
- ==> english/plurals/switch.first.p <==
- What plural is formed by switching the first two letters?
- ==> english/plurals/switch.first.s <==
- falaj -> aflaj (Chambers English Dictionary)
- ==> english/portmanteau.p <==
- What are some words formed by combining together parts of other words?
- ==> english/portmanteau.s <==
- Such words are called "Portmanteau" words. Here is a very incomplete list:
- beefalo beef, buffalo
- brunch breakfast, lunch
- chortle chuckle, snort
- fantabulous fantastic, fabulous
- flare flame, glare
- flounder flounce, founder
- glimmer gleam, shimmer
- glitz glamour, ritz
- liger lion, tiger
- motel motor, hotel
- smash smack, mash
- smog smoke, fog
- squiggle squirm, wiggle
- tangelo tangerine, pomelo
- tigon tiger, lion
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/potable.color.p <==
- Find words that are both beverages and colors.
- ==> english/potable.color.s <==
- burgundy
- champagne
- chartreuse
- chocolate
- claret
- cocoa
- coffee
- cream
- midori (Japanese for green. Does Japanese count?)
- rose
- wine
- ==> english/rare.trigraphs.p <==
- What trigraphs (three-letter combinations) occur in only one word?
- ==> english/rare.trigraphs.s <==
- Here is a list of all the trigraphs which occur exactly once in the union of
- _Official Scrabble Words_ (First Edition), the _Official Scrabble Players
- Dictionary_ and _Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (Second Edition)_,
- together with the words in which they occur.
- The definition of "word" is a problematic. For example, lots of words
- starting deoxy- contain the trigraph `eox', but no others do. Should
- `eox' be on the list?
- Common words are marked with a *.
- aae baaed
- adq*headquarter headquarters
- ajs svarajs
- aqs talaqs
- bks nabks
- bze subzero
- cda ducdame
- dph*headphone headphones
- dsf*handsful
- dts veldts
- dzu kudzu kudzus
- ekd*weekday weekdays
- evh evhoe
- evz evzone evzones
- exv sexvalent
- ezv*rendezvous
- fhu cliffhung
- fjo fjord fjords
- fsp*offspring offsprings
- gds smaragds
- ggp*eggplant eggplants
- gnb signboard signboards
- gnp*signpost signposted signposting signposts
- gnt sovereignty
- gty hogtying
- gza*zigzag zigzagged zigzagging zigzaggy zigzags
- hds camanachds
- hky droshky
- hlr kohlrabi kohlrabies kohlrabis
- hrj lehrjahre
- hyx asphyxia asphyxias asphyxiate asphyxies asphyxy
- itv mitvoth
- iwy skiwy
- ixg sixgun
- jds slojds
- jje hajjes
- jki pirojki pirojki
- jym jymold
- kky yukky
- ksg*thanksgiving
- kuz yakuza
- kvo mikvoth
- kyj*skyjack skyjacked skyjacker skyjackers skyjacking skyjackings skyjacks
- llj killjoy killjoys
- lmd filmdom filmdoms
- ltd*meltdown meltdowns
- lxe calxes
- lzy schmalzy
- mds fremds
- mfy comfy
- mhs ollamhs
- mky dumky
- mmm dwammming
- mpg*campground
- mss bremsstrahlung
- muo muon muonic muonium muoniums muons
- nhs sinhs
- njy benjy
- nuu continuum
- obg hobgoblin hobgoblins
- ojk pirojki
- okc*bookcase bookcases
- ovk sovkhoz sovkhozes sovkhozy
- pev*grapevine grapevines
- pfs dummkopfs
- php ephphatha
- pss topssmelt
- pyj pyjama pyjamaed pyjamas
- siq physique physiques
- slt juslted
- smk besmkes
- spb*raspberries raspberry
- spt claspt
- swy swythe
- syg*easygoing
- szy groszy
- tux*tux tuxedo tuxedoes tuxedos tuxes
- tvy outvying
- tzu tzuris
- ucd ducdame
- vho evhoe
- vkh sovkhoz sovkhozes sovkhozy sovkhos
- vly vly
- vns eevns
- voh evohe
- vun avuncular
- wcy gawcy
- wdu*sawdust sawdusted sawdusting sawdusts sawdusty
- wfr bowfront
- wft ewftes
- xeu exeunt
- xgl foxglove foxgloves
- xiw taxiway taxiways
- xls cacomixls
- xtd nextdoor
- xva sexvalent
- yks bashlyks
- yrf gyrfalcon gyrfalcons
- ysd paysd
- yxy asphyxy
- zhk pirozhki
- zow zowie
- zwo*buzzword buzzwords
- zzs*buzzsaw
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/silent.p <==
- What words have an exceptional number of silent letters?
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/silent.s <==
- longest sequence BROUGHAM (4, UGHA)
- for each letter AISLE, COMB, INDICT,
- homophones, for each letter O(A)R, LAM(B), S(C)ENT,
- B(U)Y, ?, T(W)O, ?, RE(Y), BIZ(Z)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/spelling.p <==
- What words have exceptional ways to spell sounds?
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/spelling.s <==
- same spelling, different sound -OUGH (7)
- different spelling, same sound AIR (9)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/syllable.p <==
- What words have an exceptional number of letters per syllable?
- ==> english/records/pronunciation/syllable.s <==
- longest for each number of syllables
- shortest for each number of syllables
- two AA three AREA (4) [O'IO (3)] four IEIE (4) five OXYOPIA (7)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/longest.p <==
- What is the longest word in the English language?
- ==> english/records/spelling/longest.s <==
- The longest word to occur in both English and American "authoritative"
- unabridged dictionaries is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."
- The following is a brief citation history of this "word."
- New York Herald Tribune, February 23, 1935, p. 3
- "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis succeeded
- electrophotomicrographically as the longest word in the English
- language recognized by the National Puzzlers' League at the opening
- session of the organization's 103d semi-annual meeting held yesterday
- at the Hotel New Yorker.
- The puzzlers explained that the forty-five-letter word is the name of a
- special form of silicosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of
- siliceous volcanic dust."
- Everett M. Smith (b. 1/1/1894), President of NPL and Radio News Editor
- of the Christian Science Monitor, cited the word at the convention.
- Smith was also President of the Yankee Puzzlers of Boston.
- It is not known whether Smith coined the word.
- "Bedside Manna. The Third Fun in Bed Book.", edited by Frank Scully,
- Simon and Schuster, New York, 1936, p. 87
- "There's been a revival in interest in spelling, but Greg Hartswick,
- the cross word king and world's champion speller, is still in control
- of the situation. He'd never get any competition from us, that's
- sure, though pronouncing, let alone spelling, a 44 letter word like:
- Pneumonoultramicrosopicsilicovolkanakoniosis,
- a disease caused by ultra-microscopic particles of sandy volcanic dust
- might give even him laryngitis."
- It is likely that Scully, who resided in New York in February 1935,
- read the Herald Tribune article and slightly misremembered the word.
- Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, 1936
- Both "-coniosis" and "-koniosis" are cited.
- "a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation
- of very fine silica dust' but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long
- word."
- Webster's first cite is "-koniosis" in the addendum to the Second Edition.
- The Third Edition changes the "-koniosis" to "-coniosis."
- I conjecture that this "word" was coined by word puzzlers, who then
- worked assiduously to get it into the major unabridged dictionaries
- (perhaps with a wink from the editors?) to put an end to the endless
- squabbling about what is the longest word.
- ==> english/records/spelling/most.p <==
- What word has the most variant spellings?
- ==> english/records/spelling/most.s <==
- catercorner
- There's eight spellings in Webster's Third.
- catercorner
- cater-cornered
- catacorner
- cata-cornered
- catty-corner
- catty-cornered
- kitty-corner
- kitty-cornered
- If you look in Random House, you will find one more which doesn't appear
- in Web3, but it only differs by a hyphen:
- cater-corner
- ---
- Dan Tilque -- dant@techbook.com
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/deletion.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by deletion of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/deletion.s <==
- longest beheadable word P(REDETERMINATION) (16/15)
- longest for each letter (6-88,181,198,213,13-159,14-219,15-155,16-96,220,
- longest beheadable down to a single letter PRESTATE (8)
- longest curtailable word (not a plural) (BULLETIN)G (9)
- longest curtailable down to a single letter LAMBASTES
- longest alternately beheadable and curtailable word ASHAMED (7)
- longest arbitrarily beheadable and curtailable (all subsequences words)
- SHADES (6)
- longest terminal ellision word D(EPILATION)S (11)
- longest letter subtraction down to a single letter STRANGLING,
- longest charitable word (subtract letter anywhere)
- shortest stingy word (no deletion possible) PRY (3)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.and.deletion.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by both insertion and
- deletion of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.and.deletion.s <==
- longest word both charitable and hospitable
- shortest word both stingy and hostile IMPETUOUS (9)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by insertion of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.s <==
- longest hydration (double reheadment) (D,R)EVOLUTIONIST (12/13)
- longest hospitable word (insert letter anywhere)
- shortest hostile word (no deletion possible) SYZYGY (6)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/movement.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by movement of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/movement.s <==
- longest word allowing exchange of letters (metallege)
- longest head-to-tail shift
- longest double head-to-tail shift
- longest complete cyclic transposal ATE-TEA-EAT (3)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/substitution.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by substitution of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/substitution.s <==
- longest onalosi (substitution in every position possible)
- shortest isolano (no substitution possible)
- longest word, all letters changed to other letters in minimum number of
- steps, yielding another word THUMBING-THUMPING-TRUMPING-TRAMPING-
- longest word girders BADGER/SUNLIT, BUDLET/SANGIR (6)
- longest word with full vowel substitution
- CL(A,E,I,O,U)CKING (8) also Y D(A,E,I,O,U,Y)NE (4)
- longest words with vowel substitutions
- longest word constant-letter-shifted to another PRIMERO-SULPHUR (7)
- arithmetical-letter-shifted DREAM-ETHER (5)
- constant-shift-with-transposal (shiftgrams) AEROPHANE-SILVERITE (9)
- longest word pair shifted one position on typewriter keyboard WAXIER-ESCORT (6)
- longest word pair confusable on a telephone keypad AMOUNTS-CONTOUR (7)
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/transposition.p <==
- What exceptional words turn into other words by transposition of letters?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/transposition.s <==
- longest reversal DESSERTS,STRESSED (8)
- longest well-mixed transposal
- longest transposition list
- SPEAR (12)
- transposition with deletion, insertion, or substitution
- longest well-mixed transdeletion
- longest word transdeletable to a single letter
- longest Baltimore transdeletion (word transdeletable on every letter)
- shortest word that cannot be transadded to another word SYZYGY (6)
- longest well-mixed transubstitution
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.p <==
- What exceptional words contain other words?
- ==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.s <==
- longest non-trivial charade IN-DISC-RIM-IN-A-TI-ON (16)
- longest forward and reverse charade
- longest snowball or rhopalic T-EM-PER-AMEN-TALLY (15)
- longest reverse rhopalic HETERO-TRANS-PLAN-TAT-IO-N (21)
- highest ratio of subwords/length (logogram)
- longest charlinkade FORESTALL: FOREST, ALL; FORE, REST, TALL (9)
- longest alternade TRIENNIALLY: TINILY, RENAL (11)
- shortest three-letter-minimum word deletions
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.p <==
- What is the most number of letters that can be fit into a three by three grid
- of words, such that no letter is repeated in any row, column or diagonal?
- ==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.s <==
- Games magazine ran a contest on this. The winner had 62:
- proxying| buckwash | veldt
- ------------------------------------
- stumbled| j | zincography
- ------------------------------------
- whack | providently | bumfs
- Here are some good tries:
- backsword |thumpingly | fez
- ----------------------------------
- vexingly | q | throwbacks = 61
- ----------------------------------
- thump | beadworks | jingly
- backsword | thumpingly| vex
- ----------------------------------
- vexingly | q | throwbacks = 60
- ----------------------------------
- thump | bedrocks | flying
- subjack |downrightly| fez
- ----------------------------------
- novelwright| q | backups = 59
- ----------------------------------
- pyx | subface | downright
- krafts | exhuming | blowzy
- ----------+-----------+-----------
- phylum | j | transfixed = 56
- ----------+-----------+-----------
- vexing | folkways | chump
- klutz | cymograph | fend
- ----------+-----------+-----------
- exscind | j | kymograph = 54
- ----------+-----------+-----------
- myograph |flunked | vibs
- ****
- Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
- Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
- ==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.p <==
- What are some exceptional word squares (square crosswords with no blanks)?
- ==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.s <==
- Word squares are a particular example of a type of crossword known
- as "forms". They were more popular early in the 20th century than
- they are now, but people still like to compose and solve them. Forms
- appear every month in the _Enigma_, which is the monthly publication
- of the National Puzzlers' League. The membership fee is $13 for
- the first year, and information may be obtained from:
- David A. Rosen
- 207 East 27th St. #3K
- New York, NY 10016
- All members have the option of choosing a nom de plume; for example,
- I go by the nom "Cubist". Another good place to find information on
- forms is in _Word Ways_, which is a quarterly journal of recreational
- linguistics:
- _Word Ways_
- Spring Valley Road
- Morristown, NJ 07960
- I'll have a paper appearing here at some point on the "support" of a
- form (which I'll discuss below).
- Word squares come in two flavors, regular and double. In regular word
- squares the words are the same across and down; in double word squares
- all words are different. The largest legitimate word square has order
- 9 (although Jeff Grant has come close to the 10), and what is considered
- to be the finest example was discovered by Eric Albert via computer search:
- necessism
- existence
- circumfer
- escarping
- sturnidae
- sempitern
- infidelic
- scenarize
- mergences
- All words appear in from Webster's New International Dictionary, Second
- Edition. It's the *only* single-source 9-square known, and its only
- flaw is that "Sturnidae" is a proper (capitalized) word. All words
- are also solid-form (no phrases, spaces, punctuation marks, etc.).
- Eric was using about 63,000 words when he discovered his square. Using
- about 78,500 9-letter words, I found an additional square:
- bortsches
- overtrust
- reparence
- trabeatae
- strestell
- creatural
- hunterite
- escalates
- steelless
- All are in the OED, except for "trabeatae", which is in NI2. This
- makes this square arguably the second-best ever discovered. All
- words are uncapitalized and solid-form, but it has the flaw of using
- more than one source. It is, however, the *only* known 9-square that
- uses only uncapitalized, solid-form dictionary words.
- There are about 2000 9-squares known, all of which were constructed
- by hand except for the two noted above. Almost all of these use
- very obscure sources of words. As a general rule of thumb, if you
- discover a new form via computer search, it is probably going to be
- of high quality, since it is hard to obtain computer-readable word
- lists that contain *really* obscure words.
- The largest known double word-squares are of order-8. They are
- considered to be about as hard to construct as a regular word
- square of order-9, and this is substantiated by the work I've
- done on the mathematics of form construction. The following
- fine example was constructed by Jeff Grant (see his article in
- _Word Ways_, Vol. 25 Num. 1, pp. 9-12):
- trattled
- hemerine
- apotomes
- metapore
- nailings
- aloisias
- tentmate
- assessed
- All are dictionary terms, but there are some weak entries, e.g.
- Aloisias: individuals named Aloisia, a feminine form of Aloysius
- occurring in the 16th and 17th century in parish registers of
- Hinton Charterhouse, England (The Oxford Dictionary of English
- Christian Names, 3rd Edition, E.G. Withycombe, 1977)
- Such words are, however, dear to the heart of logologists! For
- other examples of double squares see the article mentioned above.
- There are also many other types of forms. Some of the most common
- are pyramids, stars, and diamonds, and some come in regular and double
- varieties, and some are inherently double (e.g. rectangles).
- How hard is it to discover a square, anyway, and how many are there?
- As a data point, my program using the main (Air Force) entries in
- NI2 (26,332 words), found only seven 8x8 squares. This took an hour
- to run. They are:
- outtease appetite unabated acetated interact repeated repeated
- unweaned prenaris nopinene cadinene neomenia evenmete evenmete
- twigsome perscent apostate edentate toxicant pectosic pectosic
- teguexin ensconce bistered tindered emittent entresol entresol
- easement taconite antehall antehall rectoral amoebula amoebula
- anoxemia irenicum tearable tearable anaerobe tessular tessular
- seminist tincture entellus entellus cinnabar etiolate etiolate
- edentate esteemer deedless deedless tattlery declarer declared
- If the heuristic mathematics are worked out, the number of different
- words in your word-list before you'd expect to find a regular word
- square of order-n (the "support") is about e^{(n-1)/2}, where e ~ 15.7.
- For a double word square of order-n the support is about e^{n/2}.
- There is a simple algorithm which is more precise, and this gives a
- support of 75,641 for a regular 9-square, and a support of 272,976
- for a double 9-square (using my 9-letter word list), which agrees
- well with reality.
- --
- Chris Long, 265 Old York Rd., Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2618
- clong@remus.rutgers.edu
- ==> english/records/spelling/single.words.p <==
- What words have exceptional lengths, patterns, etc.?